Monday, July 9, 2007

Holy Zucchini!

today I visited the garden after a short weekend trip to atlanta. just before we left i checked the garden to see if anything needed to be picked. all of the zucchinis, which is all i seem to be producing very well, were pretty small. today i picked the above produce. look at the huge one! i've never seen such an enormous zucchini. i'm going to try a stuffed zucchini recipe with it.

the camera arrived today! these pictures are some of its very first. in my yearbook class at school, we name our cameras. Our main camera is named "Henry," so i think it will be appropriate for this camera to have a name also. Everyone, please make some suggestions.


Sunday Grant Photography said...

sally, it should be called sally. cute huh, when henry met sally. has a little ring to it. good job on the produce. we had a great shrimp dinner last night and used a jalepeno that we grew. pretty fun.

MC and Brian Phillips said...

I like Sally. That could work. I'll have to stew on it some more...maybe get to know it better. mmmm jalapenos! My green and yellow peppers are taking forever!

Becky Swann said...

Tell Dexter not to "squash" your zucchini!
Stew on that!

Heidi and Richard King said...

Nice job with the zucchini! Pretty impressive for a first time gardener. Like the Sally could also name it Larry (wait a second I am still on the zucchine...I was thinking it looked like Larry the cucumber from Veggie Tales)...never mind.