Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Chivo and Parker, Dexter's new pals

This week we have friends over at our house. Chivo and Parker belong to the Hopkins family, who are on vacation this week. The dogs have had so much fun chasing balls and sticks, and figuring out who's the alpha. It turns out it is Parker. He is the German Shepherd. They have been very entertaining.

Unfortunately, though, they enjoy running right through my teeny little garden. I picked the first zucchini from it yesterday. Soon we should have some squash and tomatoes, but this little cucumber- my only one- has been the same little puny size for so long now!

I wanted to make zucchini egg fu yung, because it is my favorite thing to make, but I think Brian is tired of it...even though I haven't made it in a long time. So, today, I think I will make some zucchini bread with my new zuccini.

I also want you all to see the little planting projects my mom and I did while she was here. It is fun...I hope to do more! We have had a little birds nest in our fern on the front porch and we would see the mama bring worms to her babies until finally...I think over the weekend while we were at Charlie and Rachael's wedding, the little birdies flew away.

So, it's fireworks time! What is everyone doing for the fourth? We are hoping to round up a little group to paddle down an easy section of the Chattooga, and then maybe head over to the head of school's shin dig at their home. We'll see.

Well, I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging again, even though I know you hear a lot about plants and dogs...that's our fun! Ooh! But I just ordered a really fancy new canon digital camera with our tax return money, and I can't wait to post some pictures from it! Yay!


Becky Swann said...

Oh Dexter and his buddies that is so cute. Go Parker the german shepherd on being alpha! haha I'm biased towards German shepherds. Your plants look good keep up the good blogging MC you are a superstar!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

welcome back to the blog world