Sunday, September 2, 2007

a smorgasboard...

I haven't really had a whole lot to blog about lately, except the start of school, which is still going well. I plan on taking my camera this week, so maybe I'll update this with a photo of my cherubims...

For now, here is a little randomness.

First is Brian's dad's new project, the Cobra kit car. He is building this car, see. First, he took a wrecked old mustang and stripped it of every useable thing. He has this shell of what will one day be an awesome..."roadster" I believe is the term. He has begun assembling everything and Brian has been helping when he can. This project would take most people at least an entire decade to complete, but I'll be willing to bet Brian's dad will finish before the summer. He's amazing.

Slightly less amazing, but equally bloggable, is our garden.

We have finally gotten something other than zucchini and squash..we now have a ton of roma tomatoes, green peppers, and these little orange peppers that I thought were yellow bell peppers, but I have no idea what they are, cucumbers, strawberries...let's see, oh, the corn rotted and had bugs all over it...bummer, but we only had two stalks come up anyway. This garden went through a lot. First, it's keepers were quite novice and considered it a practice garden anyway...second, we had a late freeze in April and a hail storm at the beginning of the summer that nearly wiped everything out. I'm still hoping for some beets to come up, but I think for now, I'm over gardening. Not that I don't love it, I'm just ready to do it better next time.

Enough about that...last, but not least, I have decided to share a photo of some friends of ours at our house. This is Amanda, Daniel, and April. We have now had two successful gatherings chez nous, and it has been a lot of fun. I hope for more!

And that brings me to conclude this random blog that I am hurrying to finish because I need to be in the library in a few minutes....hope all is well with everyone. I'll blog a little more soon...hey! we have a wedding this weekend at the beach! That should make for some nice blogging material....


Becky Swann said...

Brian's dad is the coolest! So glad to pull up your bloggy tonight and find a new post! Glad school is going well. I miss my MC!

Anonymous said...

That car is going to be AWESOME! I'm so jealous! And your veggies looked scrumcious! (I probably spelled that wrong, but that's normal for me!).. Good to know school is still going well... I think you and Brian have a great thing going on there!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

the garden is awesome. how were the strawberries. i think that i want that next year. we can't believe it but our tomatoes are still producing!

Unknown said...

I've not had internet for a while. Don't think I haven't been wanting to check in on you.
In my opinion everything is worth blogging about if it's worth it to you.
Love the car, what a great feat, post pictures when it's complete, Dan wants to see and me too.
You have a green thumb, I'm jealous. I really want mine to turn from red to green. (Red being from the blood of the plants I've killed).