Thursday, September 27, 2007

Celebrating Life...

You wanna know what I'm reading?
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This is what I'm reading!!! I've tried countless times to upload the stupid photo of this book in the little custom segment where you do that sort of thing, but nOOOOO. It never uploads here. It is a weirdly great book.

I'm beginning to think in "issues" now, since I spent tonight printing off our September issue of the Middle School Happenings- the student newspaper of the Middle School. In it you will find such interesting articles as "My Summer Adventure," A book review of the book "Hoot", an article on new faculty faces around campus, and my personal favorite, an ad for the monster drawing contest for our Halloween issue! In this segment, you will be given several ideas from which to draw your monster, including a three headed monster, a two headed crab, or a 6 legged bulldog! I have the sweetest seventh grader with asbergers(sp?) who just cracks me up with stuff like this. Kids, gotta love 'em.

I am taking an exercise class twice a week, which is really exciting. I also spend two nights a week at a gymnastics gym in Franklin where our kids get to learn how to do all kinds of things they will later put in our very own Cirque du Soleil-like production in February (you should really come see it. It's AWESOME!).

A couple of weekends ago, we had a wedding on the beach in Wilmington.

We had a wonderful time with my family. It was a happy occasion, good weather, and bare feet. Sadly, we came home to the message that Brian's grandmother, who had suffered from a stroke the week before, was not doing well. She died the next Tuesday and we drove to Pennsylvania that weekend for a funeral.

A wedding, followed by a funeral.

On Sunday, we will visit with Marty and Roger Palmour, the parents of Julia. This was Brian's girlfriend from high school who was killed while biking during their senior year. It will be the 10th anniversary of her death...

...We have celebrated life in many different ways this month.


Becky Swann said...

Brian I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother, That is sad and hard and I will pray for your family.
you guys have had an interesting month.
I would love to help put out a school newspaper, that sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you two have been going through a lot this past month. I'll be thinking of you both and praying for your family as well Brian.

MC and Brian Phillips said...

Thanks you two. Hey, Becky! Any time you want to drop by, you are a welcomed addition to ANY of my classes. THat would be so fun..I know you haven't been feeling well, but if you get better, you should come and let my kids write an article about you...

Heidi and Richard King said...

What an amazing teacher you must be. I am sure that you are being used in their lives profoundly. Life is precious and I will keep you all in my prayers as well. I look forward to seeing you both the next time you are up...or we are down.

Becky Swann said...

Oh man I would LOVE THAT!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a lot to deal with all in a month. So sorry to hear about Brian's grandmother, that's so hard. I dread that day in my own life. I hope that you guys were able to reflect well on all of this.
I've had that book sitting on my bedside table to read, glad to hear it's good.

Sunday Grant Photography said...

i want to see the cirque du solei( i know i totally butchered the spelling). sounds so cool. man a lot has been going on. thank you for keeping us updated!

Jason and Jennifer Haynes said...

Hello my little MC. I've missed you terribly! I keep holding onto the hope that you guys might move back to B.M. one day but it sounds like your lives are becoming a rich part of the community in the Gap.I'm sure they would miss you as bad as we all miss you if you every left! (I know I'm not in Black Mountain either, but my heart still is.) Brian, I'm so sorry about your grandmother. I hope you have beautiful love and memories of her to carry with you. You and your family are in my prayers. I love you both and I hope to see you very soon!(I'm sorry I've been absent from the blog and communication for a while but I haven't missed you any less...just procrastinated more :-) ...I wish I could see you both in action at the school! I hope they know how blessed they are to have you two!