Monday, May 7, 2007

Feelin' like baking these days...

Our camera is broken and my creativity is oh so limited right now. You'll just have to stare at this pretty photo of a caramel cake because I am baking one right now. I don't plan on having as many layers, but I have to bake the cakes one at a time because I only have one 8" cake you guys SEE why I need to have some children to blog about????!

Okay, in other news, I planted a garden yesterday. I went to take pictures of it and that's when I discovered that my camera is broken. My next blog will probably be about the camera I'm dreaming about purchasing with our tax return. Anyhoo, I'm very proud of it. We dug it all by hand, which was dumb, but rewarding too. I thought I was going to make it so much bigger, but I decided it will be a piece-by-piece process. We are growing such delicious things as zuccini, sweet potatoes, squash, bell peppers, tomatoes, beets, corn (we'll se how that goes), get the idea. I'm also working on an artichoke seedling.

I can't wait to be a stay-at-home mom so I can bake and work in the garden! Meanwhile, I'm reading this great book called, "Get out of My Life, but First Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall." It's helping me to get inside the adolescent brains of my students and we are having a book discussion group at our house on Wednesday. That brings me to the reason I'm making the caramel cake. So, that sums up my exciting news.

I'm vowing here and now to get better and more creative at this blogging thing over the summer.

Love to you all!


Sunday Grant Photography said...

the cake sounds like it will be awesome. i love to bake as well. man i never thought to put sweet potatoes in my garden. i love sweet potatoes. we are out of room for this year though. we got frost last night so i am a little nervous about the garden. come here at any point this summer and there will be lots of babies for you to play with!

Becky Swann said...

I'm excited about your garden! If you need to get rid of any extra produce bring it on! Guess what? I am listening to Brett Dennen as I check your blog and it turns out you are too, we are music twins, we had thought so before this just verifies it!

Unknown said...

Are you pregnant? All this talk of babies and mom stuff? Are you not tellin us something?

MC and Brian Phillips said...

NOT pregnant...although it is something that I think about more and more these days. I even was asked the other day by this sweet lady who is a dorm parent at school, "ain't you got a bun in the oven yet?" I promise I'll let you know!