Thursday, March 8, 2007

Spring?? Are you here?

So is that you spring? Because I am really ready. I didn't realize how ready I was. I'm tired of cold. We are packing up and getting a group of 7 tenth grade girls ready for their first back country experience. If the weather is like this, I don't think we'll be able to get them back home! They'll love it....I hope.

Dexter's pictures depict his mood any day that is warm and sunny and beautiful. If it is raining, we have to practically push him out the door just to go to the bathroom. Today was not like that. He wallowed and chased sticks. I love our yard. In some of the pictures you can catch glimpses of our blueberry bushes. We have 7 or 8 of them - huge! I can't wait until summer evenings when we pick bushels of them. I'm also thinking it might be time to start planting a garden...maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I've never had a garden before and I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm planning on reading up on it though.

The year is finally starting to feel a little less stressful. Last night was my last night of proctoring study hall at night for two hours with a bunch of kids who hate school (they put the teachers with the bad ones). I'm having a little celebration inside. Having evening duties is one of the worst things about this first year teaching. The time at home and doing something totally unrelated to school is so precious and few.

So, is a great day. Spring, I hope you stay.


Becky Swann said...

I'm glad you put pictures up of Dexter! He is such a good dog. I am loving this weather too! I really feel the need for flip flops and once I start there is no going back.

Heidi and Richard King said...

You make me ready for spring too! I would love to come hang out down there sometime...and maybe pick blueberries! It sounds so inviting! Miss ya!

Unknown said...

Dexter, he's so cute. I wish I could see him.
I wish I were there to pick blueberries also. Maybe that will have to happen soon.

Jason and Jennifer Haynes said...

MC! Yeah! You didn't know it but I have been stalking your blog! Such joy to see a new post and of one of the cutest pups! Dexter! Jason and I miss you guys but it is so awesome to see you both in a beautiful place doing things you love (err. except for proctoring troublesome kids...that sounds HORRIBLE!). So I'm glad you have the joy of blueberry picking to distract you from your worries! Have fun trekking! I hope we get to hang out with you guys when we are back. By the way, Jason and I have decided it's always Spring in Costa Rica! Move here :-)